Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chartering souls

Yama and Harley Davidson (Pastels and paper)

People died in all possible ways:
Suicide, homicide, genocide, bedside...
Tear-eyed, pop-eyed, wide-eyed they died.
Transporting souls became a problem.
Yama’s bull lived on angavastrams
and Lady Death’s Harley Davidson
guzzled gas by gallons.

Souls remained stranded.
Without entry to hell
or Heaven even!

Yama and Lady accepted
why dead people pasted
smiles on their doors.
As thumbing their dead noses
the souls’ murmurs roared.

The duo ran out of ruses.
“Souls are like plastic:
non-biodegradable, shamelessly elastic,”
they despaired!
“However, recyclable!” they cried!
“Lets teach a lesson to those who died!
Let them remain Earth’s bona-fide
Saves transport
and scrutiny of passports!”

“The Karmas can their souls smell,
so let’s match them well...”
Politicians’ went to vermins’ bodies.
swatted, baygon-sprayed ad-libitum.
Baam bole gnat!
Teachers’ to frogs’ and toads’,
preachers to howling wolves’,
middlemen got after-eating hyenas
Thinkers one-legged cranes...
Bats’ drew insomniacs ,
Singers’ crows and banshees...
Doctors and lawyers got sharks’
None lost their Karma’s spark!
And thus, the soul-load dwindled.
But two still got sidled.
Miss Universe and the actor.
Yama and Lady leered a once-over.
“Single souls...hmmm...enough space,” they hover.
Side saddle the beauty rode,
in arms of Yama, on his bull bestrode.
The macho hero rode pillion
 Lady driving. Airborne, gone
all the way to Heaven!

Split personality

Am not someone.
Only a name
for a billion cells
that chose to be me.

Am not a beauty.
I need make-up.
Kohl, foundation or
at least a moisturizer.

I aint a star.
I need illumination.
Backlit, spotlight or even
an overhead bare bulb.

Confused, ugly and dumb.
That’s me. Outside.
A stark contrast
to my withins.
Where I have enshrined You.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Geometry....(Gauche and pastels on paper)

Lifetimes of boredom.
Avatars in cycle,
hurrying, roam
across clocks’ faces.

Crescent moon:
Half-circled pocks and puckers.
Sensibilities in cocoon-
waxing and waning
Waits awakening.

Life hikes along vagabond
straight lines.
A backpack of human bonds,
karmas, curses and desires....
Squared events,
parabolic fortunes
and coned predicaments.

Were the rucksack a rocket,
Zooming up and away,
Escaping lifelines
freed of all orbits...
No full circle or half,
No bonds or gravity,
No fixed paths.
Only freeways to Heaven. Or even Hell!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Not our times....

Wheels of time...(oil pastels on paper)

Years slip
on rheumatic limbs
strapped to roller skates.

Seconds drip
into minutes...
meet their end.

Time’s vortex-
An omnivorous
vacuum cleaner,
Gnawing memories,
wrinkling years,
hurtles in swirls...
lifelines can’t
be win-zipped.
Are wont to wait,
to tip
when until!

Plastic Time.
No recycling,
No snipping,
no stretching either.
An oblivious hourglass,
Time passes through us,
Foolish me thinks:
“These are our times...!”

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why I stopped praying!

Supplicant skyward face,
palms folded, stretching for Grace.
Slumped shoulders, lips singing praise;
eyes beseeching through mist haze....

“Oh my dear, unhappy child!
No more troubles for you.” He smiled.

Thus did I discover prayers.
Perfecting it with the right bombardiers.
Beg, avow and kneel...trick’s to persevere!
Hounded, bound and blackmailed...He had to hear!

One prayer-laden night dawned senses on me.
I ceased playing the devotee.

I knew what I wanted,
He knew what I needed.
Whining for candle-light illumine,
I almost lost His gift of deathless Sunshine!