Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Valentine mystery..


What do I love?
Or being in love?
Or being in love with you?

What do I have?
The world?
Or naught?
Or a world in confusion fraught?

Who am I?
The someone?
Or someone
that simply went by?

Do things pass?
Or fester.
To stay,
and die, without an answer?

What do I love?
Or Life?
Or the life in love?

Belly button saga…

A bejeweled belly button is quite a distraction when you begin to seriously examine a woman for an abdominal complaint. (will talk about abs-tattoos another time. This time it is on 3D fashion) Most often it takes you by surprise for as the sheet is discretely withdrawn to allow examination, there it is, the gravity of all attention. I hope women do not notice my sharp intake of
 breath or a slight popping of eyeballs. They have been having it for so long that they do not realize there is anything amiss. But then initially, I would find it hard not to stare, keep poker face and stop the vocal cords from an involuntary ”Oh!” or “Hey!” But then familiarity breeds discretion!! Next, to avoid looking at it even as I palpate the abdomen, all the while wondering what if this woman needed a Laparoscopy where we must look into the abdomen by sticking an optical tube through the umbilicus. May it increase her chance of infection? I wonder.
Bejeweled tongues, eyebrows, lips are all there, but a pierced belle button is quite an enigma. I have seen Zircon/ ruby studs; silver rings and just a speck of a shining wink. Many years ago women went to plastic surgeons to get a perfect umbilicus. But now, getting it pierced not only takes the attention off from an imagined or really ugly navel, saves the Plastic surgeon’s fancy charges and captures viewers’ attention and leaves them wondering about hidden mysteries!!I have seen many women with twin jewels at the doors of the physiological dimple. It actually reminded me of ugly dental braces but then style, like sex, is in minds of people!!
Then there are others who, for some reason, take it off. Yet I know a stud has been there because of the scar and do not forget to confirm my suspicion. According to my assessment, laparoscopy leaves a better scar than a removed BB jewel, actually. Inspection-palpation-percussion and auscultation are the 4 modalities and sequence of patient examination that I have been taught and so a pierced navel is a must to be observed! I wont be surprised if a student is failed if he/she did not mention a pierced umbilicus( either out of embarrassment or excitement) if they saw one in their exam case.
As my wash my hands at the sink, another image embedded in my grey cells, I wonder how my male colleagues are coping with such an unsuspected finding… many dropped jaws and popped eyeballs….!!

The Buddha was lucky....

The Buddha said:
Shun ambitions.
School teachers fed:
Chase them!!
Buddha was lucky.
The people he left,
chose to free him,
let him;
and left him.
My world's more sticky.
Moorings to heft,
Karmas at helm;
Fortunes flit 
in fancies; at whim...
Tears and smiles
strange bed-fellows.
The teachers were right,
The Buddha was wrong. 
Ambitions shunned 
with nowhere to go;
make dreams throb
in graves of zombies...
Lives must be endured, 
living amidst lives.
Not exiled in jungles.
But the Buddha was lucky.
He could afford the jungles.

Castles of sand....

To lease this life,
and walk away.
Claim sabbatical
and overstay....
Between status-quos
and fast paced days;
orphan hours
will find their ways.
Will walk the track,
trudge the drudge,
and die the death;
-as unborn face!
Don't cling to me,Life!
Learn living 
In silent sepia!
I may walk away,
claim sabbatical
and overstay...