Sunday, September 11, 2011

It pays to lie!

There is truth in this: It pays to lie.
Being  truthful is a costly affair!
How often have I paid -in tears, sighs, banknotes and kind;
only to learn  that a lie was a lot less grind...
Lies have shades-half, quarter, white and grey;
Truth is dark even by day!
People love colours, love to live lying and live lied to...
a life of lies is much less of a yoke
in an eternity of penalizing  truths!   

Truth finder (pastels on canvas)

Thursday, September 8, 2011


The day breaks.
Life begins to brew
its karmic concoctions
in spicy double takes.

Slivers of streaming sunlight
refresh a haunting face.
Just ignore that unbidden clue,
Life is a teasing malaise.”

The swishing silk and tinkling bangles
mock and laugh in abandon;
blow a dying ember to life...
“Omens, please be gone!”

What can come of nothing far?
But the kiln is warming up too...
to Time’s imprudent athyachar.

It hots up fast;
the sun above, the kiln before;
And then there is one
fast singing through....
No more running.
The  runaway has
hit a dead end too.

Life lurches,
 its Cocktail a-pour...

there is someone at the door.
Only now,
it isn’t a stranger
but someone I have known ever before!