Thursday, October 31, 2013

Swan song...

With a final tremble
the heart settles.
The lonely rhythm
echoes in wanton amble.
Deciduous hope-drops-
shrugged off;
roll away;
and vaporize
in unfathomable mists
Splintered rainbow dust
catches unshed tears.
A hand creeps to the bosom
Begging answers...
...What's wrong?
Misread Laws of Karma all along?
Lived illusions
of lives bygone?
Do souls' symphonies
die birth after birth;
or live as nebulous memories;
kindling to life;
most unexpectedly?
Most unwelcomely.
Most mercilessly.
Trapped soul and
 an emotional maze;
This life's song,
yester-life's melodies
ring somewhere.
only I can listen.
None else can.
The heart must echo

in lonely rhythm.