Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Goodness befalls...

An obscure autumn leaf
Suffers a lingering glide.
Melding into a beggarly heap
To parch,fragment
under alien strides.

The gold on its wrinkled vein
Tumbled into her wanton hair.
Laughter long ousted by pain,
A lonely, callous node its only souvenir.

So does goodness drop away
Into oblivion, used-abused and heedless.
Bestowing its beauty along the way,
mirth into anguish and colour to bleakness.

Quenchless humour in its shrivelled frame,
the fall leaf ponders , on its way to base.
Autumn is here, soon spring will claim
her stake to nuzzle on Nature’s face.

Then will I breed
as a million green stipules.
Birthing as stubbles
that burst into flower, fruit and seeds.

So must innate goodness grow,
one withered leaf to countless viridian sprouts.
Forgiving yesterdays for expectant morrows.
A godsend shower punching rainbows about!

Welcome the tender after-pangs
of such a selfless deed.
For some call it Bliss.
A blessed path where by hangs
an unobtrusive prayer along a trail-less lead.

Bless that laughter of the guileless child,
for bliss is a gift for gifting smiles,
So said the autumn leaf, beguiled,
As it floated over thorns and stiles!

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