Monday, July 4, 2011

Making dreams

An impatient chestful
of teeming dreams,
rearing to riot a skyful
with fairy-tale themes.

Skeins of deathless strands
of passionate golds and silvers;
nodding bright-hued fronds
of sequins, beads and glitters;
sun rays, stardust and moonbeams;
Begging to be woven, blended in seams
On a thousand beams of tireless looms.

Plit-plat; plit-plat, plit-plat;
Dart a million dreams,
drunk; singing and dancing
on and out of the illimitable beams.
A few grow wings,
laugh, flap and fly away.
Yet others remain chestlings,
Wishing, waiting for another day.

Smiles-tears; triumph and fears.
But they also served
who only birthed and waited,
For I am my dreams-
all of the fulfilled and the blighted!