Friday, November 4, 2011

Wisdom of the lamb...

Trail our path, staring...
you can’t change the end.
Butcher’s-kitchen- and at the dining...
we’re destined for the weekend.

His chopper sounds
staccato on the wood.
A teeter at my throat,
dried grass at my feet...
Most went today,
tomorrow I should.

Beckoning, they tease me.
Blackened, scraped hoofs
lying by lifeless heads.
Beefy torsos on hooks
washed clean of life, long bled.

When mother went, sheared,
without dissent,
she said:
Let most think us meek.
Not horse, not tiger, not elephant
only a lamb’s sacrificed in a ritual!
The truth is cardinal:
Not even Gods shelter the weak!**
Don’t bleat.
Silence isn’t a frailty.
Don’t totter at the altar seat,
Yielding isn’t inability.
We die,
letting the world live,
quietly suffering their gluttony!

**  अश्वं नैव गजं नैव व्याघ्रं नैव नैव
    अजापुत्रं बलिं दद्यात् देवो दुर्बलद्यातकः
Ashvam naiva gajam naiva vyagrham naiva cha naiva cha;
ajaaputram balim dhadyaat daevo durbalalahdyaatakaha.
                              -The Subhashita

Not horse, not elephant, not tiger, but only the lamb is sacrificed in a ritual. One must understand that not even God protects the weak. 

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