Sunday, April 3, 2011

The desperate spinster!

Poor Miss Under Stud
is communicatively challenged.

At front office job, she lasted a day.
“Hello? Miss Under Stud here!” she’d said.
Her esteemed caller was cross,
she was shown the doorway.

As a H.R manager,
she lasted a little longer.
Until she signed-“Under Stud.”
The umbraged client got it, ‘Understood?’
Alas, when she signed just- “U.S”,
its intimacy lured lechers
who inferred her amorous!

Lonely, Miss Under Stud
longed for a man who understood,
a quiet home and a little brood.
But she remained long un-wooed. 

could she marry Mr. Side or Mr.Hand,
risk being called Mrs. Under Side or Under Hand?
To wed Mr. Ram or Mr. Bush
surely would indecency out-blush.

“ ‘Mrs. Under Stud’ makes out
a lesser man of me,” other suitors rued.
“Under Stud sounds so horsey and less mare-y too,
I can’t have her about!”

“Miss....U....Stud!? Are you?”
The kinky women would huskily leer.

And thus poor Miss Under,
paid for her parents’ blunder.
She willed her epitaph, at final surrender:
she learnt to live with fortitude!”

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