Saturday, May 7, 2011


Is that the hallowed barn
where Mary cradled Christ by morn?
Or a prison vault, weather worn
where Devaki’s Krishna was born?
Maybe. Maybe not.
But that steadfast juggernaut
trudging up stairs so austere-
certainly, that is you-Mother dear!

Mounting ill cut pathways
over unnumbered ages.
As Diti and Aditi; Devaki and Kunti,
as Yashoda and Mary; Kaikeyi and Gandhari.
As Sita and Khayadu; as Ganga and Panna.
As a multitude of unsung faces and aliases.
Unchanging abyss, yet diverse shrouds
of mettle and calm with love endowed.

Tireless, thankless oft-times you resurge
from a barren to a bountiful place.
Or probably you did a magic forge
mutating pockmarked boulders
and dry waning creeks
to green, singing boulevards
embraced in Love’s mystique.

Yes. That’s you, mother.
Delight and devotion on an immortal face,
arms spread out in a solicitous gather
as the halo spreads across Time and Space.
Those fatigues astutely camouflage
bruises and scars on the samuranis personage.
Flowers in place of guns-
you redefined the way wars must be won.  

And thus at times, my world angles upside down

dangling at weak ankles, giddy and desolate.
Unkindly hauled by the hands of hardy Fate
disguised as an Au Pair, vile with a venomous frown.
In a jerky flash, my mind recalls
your saga of strengths and dogging resolves.
Suddenly I’m on my feet again;
fighting, carrying on your eternal campaign!

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