Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloweened Zombies...

Face and Mask (Acrylic on paper)

Most observe halloween,
everday.  All life.
Mask over mask, as colors and sheen
buttress overlays. All life.

The true face lost,
smothered to silence. All life.
The con self left to accost
a pathetic zombie. All life.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Mask maker's boutique...

Mark that shack
veneered as a palace.
A mysterious one-track
byway from human race.

The weather-cock atop
in a fickle spin
welcomes to the shop
of a thousand twins.

A cornucopia of dissonant hoods
hung on every nail that could.
Consorting where they should,
the flesh, festoons, fragrance and flora;
feathers, flavours and flamboyant aura.

Not a mirror
or a façade familiar.
Not a repeat face
in that assortment somewhere.

Espouse your choice,
the medley is yours.
veil the eyes
and gag that voice;
the hood stays on for years.
Waxing in tiers; aging
to a flaking paint
on an aching core.  

Unrestored, you scar;
adrift, on the other shore.
In search of self
delving the shelves;
still helplessly shopping
at the mask maker’s store!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


A mere tether dares to hold Me
 to myself.
A  tug, flip and yank,
am sure to come free!
Hours, weeks and years since, and it is gone!
Now grows there a banyan tree
its multitude roots richly spawn
from that sole sinuous shackle!
Multiplies self over and over;
myself and mine, myself and mine.
Never  the boundless Me...
(Acrylic abstract on paper)


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Putting Muse on back-foot!

Muse...(Pastels on paper)
The fancy muse is fickle and fussy;
autocratic and greedy. Robbing
hours from glorious mid-mornings to
romantic nights, day after day!
The less fancy muse consorts
an a-social, eccentric bard.
But I can ill-afford either.

So a carefree giggle, an unshed tear;
a news-paper tidbit, a curious gesture
stealthily snuggle into my grey cells.
Tether in remote niches as neuronal connections,
hibernating as restless vesicles of chemical neuro-transmitters.
And then tumble out during stolen hours
of my time-strapped life-at midnight or at day break...
On to the nascent paper or the computer screen
Even as the muse plays truant
with a million other writers!

The muse is a coquettish spider,
weaving that gossamer web;
delights in snaring writers in blocks
time and again.

But no, not me.
We live exclusive lives.
I’m free.   She begs for my summons.
As I romance papers, pens, colors and the WWW,
I put that spider out into a no-exit maze!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

No dreams, only lullabies...!

One-celled… eight-celled… morulla…blastocyst…
at last I wiggle into the warm womb.
Waiting, growing, floating atwist-
a little of dad’s and a little of mom’s chromosomes.

Impatient, forty stretching weeks
of thrilling daily self-discoveries!
The limb buds tweak, a ‘Hurrah’squeaks
as I’m put together loving piece by piece.

I dream of happy morrows,
lulling in and out of sleep…
One ecstatic instant, I surely know
I’m a little woman, a beauty in keep!

Blessed to live, blessed to birth,
blessed to light the earth and hearth.
A flowering flower, a breed to breed…
Life, I love you…let me…I implead!

Come tomorrow, I shall-

                        She never did see any tomorrow…She died… A sixteen-week old, dreaming fetus …still in the womb. She was killed…for she was a girl-in-making…