Tuesday, October 4, 2011

No dreams, only lullabies...!

One-celled… eight-celled… morulla…blastocyst…
at last I wiggle into the warm womb.
Waiting, growing, floating atwist-
a little of dad’s and a little of mom’s chromosomes.

Impatient, forty stretching weeks
of thrilling daily self-discoveries!
The limb buds tweak, a ‘Hurrah’squeaks
as I’m put together loving piece by piece.

I dream of happy morrows,
lulling in and out of sleep…
One ecstatic instant, I surely know
I’m a little woman, a beauty in keep!

Blessed to live, blessed to birth,
blessed to light the earth and hearth.
A flowering flower, a breed to breed…
Life, I love you…let me…I implead!

Come tomorrow, I shall-

                        She never did see any tomorrow…She died… A sixteen-week old, dreaming fetus …still in the womb. She was killed…for she was a girl-in-making…

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