Sunday, December 11, 2011


Geometry....(Gauche and pastels on paper)

Lifetimes of boredom.
Avatars in cycle,
hurrying, roam
across clocks’ faces.

Crescent moon:
Half-circled pocks and puckers.
Sensibilities in cocoon-
waxing and waning
Waits awakening.

Life hikes along vagabond
straight lines.
A backpack of human bonds,
karmas, curses and desires....
Squared events,
parabolic fortunes
and coned predicaments.

Were the rucksack a rocket,
Zooming up and away,
Escaping lifelines
freed of all orbits...
No full circle or half,
No bonds or gravity,
No fixed paths.
Only freeways to Heaven. Or even Hell!

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