Saturday, March 17, 2012


“I don’t want to leave,
my Life-pots are yet not full.
From You I want no reprieve,
I love this Maya’s lull.

Halt in its magic tracks this day,
lest it elopes with our dreams.
For my heart in solitude may
by Your pleasant thoughts redeem.

Parallel twines, our life-lines;
yet I wished they meet and knot.”
Swishing, sighed her silk and braid
as Radhe, wistful, set to leave.

“Forms must play their set charade
Live-die,connect and split
and thus by Time be deceived.
Grieve not in separation,
for souls bond across lives to knit
soulmates into devoted unison.
A hundred lives hence this day
Our souls in their unsaid ways,
shall each seek the other.
Know this, my soul-mate, Radhe,
now rest undeterred,”
Kanha smiled in love….

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