Friday, August 19, 2011

After I die -- Dot? Comma?

After I die,
Their streaming tears and saddened hearts
vainly may fan the embers
of a long-gone part.
“Time to let go, soul,” to myself  I cry;
“Thank Life, you died a samurai.”

After I die
in company of many a cherished dream;
as keepsakes my dear things may remain-
armchair, fountain pen, shawl or ring.....
A moment, an event; small talk or laughter
recalled for days long after.
“I’m not there,” I rue; wishing Time never flew.

After I die,
so will a hundred phrases:
“Work till drop dead.”, “Always.”,
“Tomorrow.”, “Forever.” and “Rat-race.”
A thousand orphaned notions, flailing, fade:
poor, un-sung hangers-on; dead with the charade.
After I die, my
“A 100 Places to visit before you die”
“A 100 movies to watch before you die”
“A 100...........................before you die”
books, shall triumphantly outlive
the heart that had rejoiced in their provocatives!
Pastels on paper

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