Thursday, September 8, 2011


The day breaks.
Life begins to brew
its karmic concoctions
in spicy double takes.

Slivers of streaming sunlight
refresh a haunting face.
Just ignore that unbidden clue,
Life is a teasing malaise.”

The swishing silk and tinkling bangles
mock and laugh in abandon;
blow a dying ember to life...
“Omens, please be gone!”

What can come of nothing far?
But the kiln is warming up too...
to Time’s imprudent athyachar.

It hots up fast;
the sun above, the kiln before;
And then there is one
fast singing through....
No more running.
The  runaway has
hit a dead end too.

Life lurches,
 its Cocktail a-pour...

there is someone at the door.
Only now,
it isn’t a stranger
but someone I have known ever before!

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