Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A chameleon called Life...

Hungry flames crackle in quest
licking every fragment up to the core.
Smacking, diabolic, seeking for more
the molten fervour hammers at the crust.
Throbbing to spew forth vengeful lava,
malevolence blows, raining infernal plasma.

 Oblivious to the tumult within,
the calm columns stand.
The crowned cupolas, ornate therein
skyward look, though aloft a blazing quicksand!
Fierce within, serene without:
Isn’t Life a surprise of such turnabouts?

White-black; Heaven –Hellhole, Core-Crust; Fire and Calm-
Switch places in merry abandon!
Once within, once without and once never there,
playing serious ‘truth or dare!’
Like the faces of a mere coin, Life’s not bare.
It isn’t two-dimensional. Not even three.
Only a myriad dimensions make me me.

Look another time at those tireless wings.
An eagle? No. Stop your eyes from playing tricks.
For soars there the soul of life- the undying Phoenix!
Rising from the nether worlds, tempests, storms, droughts and embers
a thousand dimensions old, never yet a singe!

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